March 24, 2010

I Just Loves My Cat more

What there to say? I just loves my cat more. For now at least. Belle. That’s her name. I actually thought this over. What to call her when I just got her at 2 months old.

Belle is silly. Belle is quiet. Belle is melancholy. Belle has beautiful eyes.

When I came back from a bad date, I look and stroke belle. Who always runs to me when I open the door. There is no whys. There is no whats. It’s probably equivalent to a man having a doll dummy. But I feel what I feel now. Am I comparing a cat to a man? Yes I am. Sorry I know it’s not an equal comparison but I guess I am comparing all the same. Does everything needs logic?

Belle is forgiving. Belle is compromising. Belle has loving nature.

I remembered broking up with a guy which I thought is a good honest responsible guy and wondering if I had done something wrong and losing a little faith in myself. Am I just being unreasonable? Should I compromise more? Would things have been different if I responded otherwise? It is silly but I hugged my cat and pondered. I hugged my cat and talked to myself. I hugged my cat and thought whole night.

Belle is silent. Belle is wise. Belle is naïve. Belle does not care.

I realised I should have more beliefs in myself. I re-inforced that I have been now for nothing if not these years. Times of hardships, moments of sadness, fighting of suffering. I am what I choose to be. If I do not understand myself, I will not know what I genuinely desires for, then I do not deserve what I wish for and thus do not be what I am living and striving for.

Belle is instinctive. Belle is natural. Belle do not complain.

I am human and not perfect. I desires and often surrenders to secular temptations. It is so hard. So hard to be morality-conscious and principly-correct. But what are we if we do not try. What difference if we give in? What will we become if homo-consciousness has given way to modernity of hedonism? I do not seek to convince others. It is enough I have myself to deal with.

Belle is happy. Belle is contented. Belle is not jealous when I come back late.

I loves my cat. Meow.

it was a time like this
when life stood still
minutes ceased to exist
and what we once knew
i looked into her eyes
to decipher the truth
suddenly she sprang at me
i smiled at her move
what she had derived
were words without sound
a feeling?
a vibe?
i really cannot tell
but there you have it
like a candle just lit
the wonderous mysteries of life
hit upon you at a time like this